My 10×10 Closet Challenge - Fall Edition (2017) - Day 6

Happy Monday! I hope you had a blissful weekend!

We've made it to the second half of the 10×10 Challenge.

And I have to admit that it was really great not to have to wonder what to wear this morning when I got up!

My Day 6 Outfit

Wool, denim, and leather. I know what you're gonna say: way too easy!

After our adventurous weekend on the coast, Octave and I are worn out. So it was a relief to have a minimal selection to choose from to compose a cozy, yet cute little outfit to work, meet a friend for coffee, work some more and lounge on the couch (I may have undone a couple buttons for that last part).

Sweater - Old. Similar here.

Pants - Vintage. Similar here.

Shoes - Nina Z, made in NY, NY.

Do you have a go-to outfit for those days when you don't really feel inspired?

Pictures by Octave Zangs for Conscious by Chloé.