How to Propagate Plants

For the past couple weeks, I've been growing plant cuttings on my office window sill.

This idea came to me after a friend of mine mentioned that she wanted new plants for her house but that she did not have the budget to invest in big plants and new pots.

My own plants were thriving and it was time for some of them to get a new haircut so I decided to start a little side hustle in my office: growing my own plants from cuttings.

My method is simple and straight-forward:

I cut just below a bud with a pair of clean scissors, remove the bottom leaves and stick the cuttings in a tiny glass bottle so I can see the root system develop.

Once it seems strong enough, I transfer the plant baby to a little ceramic pot filled with soil - I have a whole collection of those that I "stole" from the "messed-up projects shelf" of the ceramics studio I used to be a part of.

Seeing plants grow roots is a soothing experience and greenery is always a nice addition to an office.

I love a slow project, I love to see nature unfold, and I also love giving "homemade" gifts.

I'm so excited to have a constant supply of plant babies to give to friends.

Now I cannot wait to grow a couple more and attend a plant swap so I can add new varieties into my own home jungle.

Or maybe some of you would be willing to trade? Shall we do this?

Do you propagate plants? What's the easiest one to start with? Which one's more tricky? Any tips?