The Conscious List

Picture by Chasing Tomorrow

Happy Friday! How are you holding up? I caved and baked my first banana bread of the pandemic, and it will probably not be the last because we bought a 25lb bag of flour this week. Does this mean I'm gonna start baking bread again? WHO AM I?

Here are a couple links to things that have caught my attention or kept me busy this week:

  • Two years ago, two Frenchies contacted me for their Zero Waste documentary, and now 3 of my Zero Waste pals and I are in it (don't forget to turn the subtitles on as some ITW are in English and others in French).

  • My social distancing survival kit.

  • We watch Killing Eve and I'm obsessed with Villanelle's style. I knew that someone else might be too and found this IG account!

  • I've spent a couple hours updating my list of Zero Waste Bloggers around the world (map included!). Find some local insipration and please let me know if you have a ZW blog or read one I've missed in the list.

  • I watched Planet of the Humans, the latest documentary produced by Michael Moore and it really reinforced my motivation to always dig deeper.

  • This Saturday at 4.30 pm (EDT), don't miss the Universe in Verse, an event that celebrates "science and the natural world — the splendor, the wonder, the mystery of it — through poetry, that lovely backdoor to consciousness, bypassing our habitual barricades of thought and feeling to reveal reality afresh".

  • I did a couple alterations which I shared in my Insta Stories this week and some of you had never heard of this trick so here it is: How to Take in the Waist on a Pair of Jeans.

  • Wednesday's Calligraphy Field Trip inspired me to practice again and actually combine this with my commitment to write more to friends this year. So I got these to make my own watercolor cards! I'll report on that later...

  • I'm gonna send a newsletter soon to give you a life update, don't miss it.

  • Octave got me a long board for my birthday and now I need to do a different kind of yoga.

Note: If you buy something through my links, I may earn an affiliate commission, at no cost to you. I recommend only products I genuinely like. Thank you so much for supporting my work.

Now be honest? Have you baked sourdough or banana bread yet?