A Minimalist and Floral Needle Felted Cushion DIY

In the first weeks of the pandemic, I stocked up on crafting supplies to keep me busy during lockdowns. Candle making, soap making, sewing, rope bowl making... I have to admit that it took me some time to get around to using them all!

In my constant issue in figuring out the size of the bedding items purchased either in Europe or at Ikea (why isn't everything standardized?!), I finally decided to make my own cushion and pillow covers out of old curtains and sheets.

I naturally-dyed the pillow covers (another passion project of mine), but didn't know what to do with the cushions. Until I remembered a DIY I had pinned years ago about needle felting.

Here's result of my attempt to create a needle felted cushion.


  • Cushion cover
  • Pencil
  • Felting tool kit
  • Wool roving (I found mine at the restore)
  • Sponge (or, in my case, a piece of foam which protected a new appliance during its delivery)
  • Embroidery hoop (optional, I found mine at the restore)


I will not detail the steps of this DIY, which you'll find in this article (the video is no longer available but this one might help).

But all I will say is that needle felting is therapeutic.

Mad about something? Stab your cushion!