An Oversized Quilted Market Tote DIY

I made yet again another thing out of this old quilt I found in the free pile at the thrift store (did you know about my quilt obsession?)

It's a little bit much, but I knew I wanted to make a huge tote bag after I saw this one.

I used the canvas tote I go shopping with as a template and adapted its measurements to the design of the quilt.

The result is a huge fluffy bag that I put to use right away as I went to the UPS store to ship a couple of parcels.

I picture myself using it next summer to go on a picnic, or throwing a bunch of clothes in it and leaving for a spontaneous road trip.

I included a little pocket so I'm able to easily find my phone and cardholder in it (remind me to never upgrade to a bigger phone).

Sewing this tote proved to be a little tricky considering the thickness of the layers but my trusty sewing machine held up OK. I did also put my serger to good use and cleaned up all the seams, the result looks almost professional (to me).

I still have fabric to spare and have a couple more items on my to-do list, probably another quilt bucket hat, and maybe a pair of mittens. I would have loved to copy a weekender bag I've been using for more than a decade but only thought about it after I had cut the pieces for the tote... That will be a project for the next quilt I thrift!