Free Activities that Keep Me Sane during the Coronavirus Pandemic

How are you holding up? So far, I'm doing OK, with only one major meltdown to this day. The spring weather and light are definitely playing a key role in keeping my mood up.

I don't know about you, but I have a really hard time reading. Maybe it's because the book I'm reading is more informative than entertaining, but I feel like my attention span is pretty short and I'm looking for a way to escape rather than learn.

So for now, you won't see me trying to learn a new language, skill or craft. I spend most of my time working, frantically organizing/cleaning our house and watching Youtube videos (TV shows are too long to watch, see the reference to my attention span above).

So here's a list of FREE activities that keep me sane during this pandemic:

Workout with Chloe Ting

I was looking for a workout program to do at home and totally randomly found Chloe's videos on Youtube. I started a 25-day program almost immediately and I must admit that it is also the first time I manage to stick to it for so long! I finished the Slim Thigh Challenge (no judgement) last week and immediately started the (challenging) Hourglass Program. I feel strong and energized and haven't gotten tired of exercising yet (but I might have gotten tired of the backgroud music...).

Yoga with Adriene

I'm at day 29 of Adriene's HOME yoga series, which she initally launched at the beginning of the year. Having something to look foward to every day + an end date that might take me closer to the end of social distancing kept me going. I'm already looking for my next challeng, but it will probable be the April series, NURTURE. I usually do a session right after my workout to stretch and slow down. By the time I'm finished, Octave is up and we can have breakfast together.

Creative Mornings' Field Trips

I usually attend Creative Mornings in person in my city (so far I've attended them in Geneva, LA and Portland) but now that this is out of the question, the CM community has decided to gather online. I attended the adequately named "WTF is SEO" session this past Monday and had so much fun listening to the amazing speaker and scrolling through the attendee list to see what everyone was up to (I loved that many had turned the video on). Since then, I've also attended a manifestation session, a sound bath, and learnt a little more about Human Design, which I talked about in this article.

Long walks and podcasts

During work breaks, I put my beloved wireless ear buds on and head outside for a walk around my neighborhood while tracking my steps with my Fitbit.
If you don't have access to the outdoors, my talented friend Julie Hotz released 2 bonus episodes you don't want to miss on her UN/ROOTED podcast. One is A Walk in the Woods - Alpine Lake and the other one is A Walk in the Desert - Choose Your Own Adventure. I may or may not have cried multiple times during the first one. It felt really good!

Bon Appetit videos

Octave & I are obsessed with the chefs of BA's test kitchen. Our favorite episodes are Gourmet Makes with Claire Saffitz and It's Alive with Brad Leone. We are now especially excited to see them all cook from their own personal kitchens (or their parents') during this Stay at Home period.

Home Decor videos

My current favorites are Canadian Youtubers Alexandra Gater and DIY Danie. Danie inspired me to work with what I have at home, so I used a Block Shop scarf and a blind wand to decorate the wall above my bed. What do you think?

Dance Church

Close your blinds, put on your most comfortable outfit to move in, tune into the live stream and follow the guidelines, or don't, just dance your face off like no one is watching, because no one is watching. I attended twice and it released all the tensions and made me laugh, the feeling of freedom is quite contagious!

Wow, I just realized that all these activities involved either screen time or some form of technology. I guess I just have to embrace the fact that this is what currently keeps me going. Screens are no necessarily evil and I really, really love the Internet.

Now tell me, what has been keeping you sane lately?