Conscious by Chloé

Chloé Lepeltier - Conscious By Chloé

A Sustainable Lifestyle Blog focusing on Zero Waste, Slow Living, and Ethical Fashion.

Newsletters that Feed my Soul

Newsletters Worth Reading by Conscious by Chloé

Picture by goodgoodgood

If you're anything like me, you like getting to Inbox 0 on the regular. I personally feel a little anxious when I open my email in the morning only to find it bursting with (promotional) messages.

But lately, I've been looking for ways to read more (since, for some reason I cannot focus on reading a book for more than 5 minutes) and more intentionally (i.e. not by scrolling on social media).

So I've bended my own rules and subscribed to a couple newsletters to inspire, entertain and inform myself:

1. Poetry Daily

Thanks to this one, I've read one poem a day for the past couple weeks and that's already more than I've read in the past... year? I make a point to read it as soon as I open my email, no matter how long it is, no matter whether I like it or not. I like the variety of the voices featured in it. Highly recommended!

2. Minimum Viable Planet

I've mentioned Sarah's work many times here on the blog already. You might be familiar by her Buyerarchy of Needs, but she also writes a super well-reasearched and easy to read "undepressing newsletter about how to fight climate change" (with illustrations). It's like you're in her head. For someone like me, it's very reassuring to read that someone feels the same about the state of the world and what we can/should do about it.

3. Garance Doré

I feel you either love or hate Garance, the ultimate French style blogger. Like old friends, we have our ups and down, and lately, I've been meaning to catch up with her, so I've subscribed to her new newsletter - which is different from Atelier Doré's newsletter. It's very personal, and reminds me of the time I first started reading her, back when she still lived in France... 12-ish years ago?

And now for my French readers...

4. Slate x Titiou

Je lis Titiou depuis des lustres sur son blog (délaissé) girls & geeks. Comme Garance, j'ai l'impression qu'on est très proche. Après tout, j'ai quand-même vu une photo de son placenta, ça créé des liens. Depuis quelques années, elle est en charge de la newsletter de Slate et une auteure féministe de talent. Sa sélection est parfaite, de la politique à la culture en passant par, bien sûr, le meilleur des internets. Non vraiment, si je pouvais vous y inscrire de force je le ferais.

5. Géraldine Dormoy

Ancienne responsable éditoriale L'Express Styles, et autrice de Café Mode, la journaliste Géraldine Dormoy a traversé une épreuve difficile et a lancé depuis peu une newsletter. J'aimais déjà sa plume à L'Express, mais je me réjouis de la lire sur des sujets bien plus personnels.

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Newsletters Worth Reading by Conscious by Chloé

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