Conscious by Chloé

Chloé Lepeltier - Conscious By Chloé

A Sustainable Lifestyle Blog focusing on Zero Waste, Slow Living, and Ethical Fashion.

September is the New January (a look back on my 22 for 2022 list)

22 for 2022 Year Goal List for my Happiness Project by Conscious by Chloé

The mornings are starting to get chilly and the afternoons are less scorchy. It might be just because smoke is preventing the sun from poking through, or it might just be fall slowly creeping in.

After a month in France, an overnight backpacking trip in the high desert, and a weekend camping on the Oregon coast, I've had time to think.

I've never liked September, the end of summer, that "back to school" feeling in the air, but this year, for some reason, I'm excited to take inventory of my life, look back on my 22 for 2022 list, the summer bucket list I drafted on a whim and to prepare for the long and cold seasons ahead.

22 for 2022 Year Goal List for my Happiness Project by Conscious by Chloé

Looking back on my 22 for 2022 list, I realize that a couple of items were not really actionable (that one can cross off their list), some just couldn't happen, and others I ultimately decided against.

It's good to see what I thought my year would look like and what I thought my priorities should and would be!

1. Read 22 books

I've been reading nonstop since the beginning of the year and will probably reach my goal by December. My library queue is full to the brim and I alternate between real books and ebooks. I might also end up listening to this one book I want to read but cannot focus long enough on...

2. Learn new skills (virtually)

I did gonna sign up for Skillshare but am ashamed to admit I did not use it as much as I thought I would. But I did take an in-person ceramics class and a natural dyeing one so yay for that!

3. Go backcountry skiing

I was gifted a splitboard by 2 amazing people in my life and I went backcountry snowboarding a couple of times. More trips might happen early next winter, I'm so excited!

4. Go rafting

Our amazing friend Jenner took Octave and me rafting on the Umpqua in July and I took another rafting trip with my parents in the Alps in August. Mission accomplished!

5. Update my resume / Reflect on my career

I did update my online resume but haven't done much on the "reflecting on my career" front. Food for thought...

6. Travel to a new city in the US

It might not be too late. Austin and Nashville could be cool places to visit in the fall? I'll keep New Orleans for a future trip, maybe to meet my parents "halfway" for a family vacation? I did go to new towns on the Oregon coast, this will do for now.

7. Book a massage

I did book this massage that was gifted to me. I now remember it was amazing and I should do this way more often. A friend of mine mentioned she and her husband more or less have a standing appointment for a foot massage every month. That sounds like a dream!

8. Buy a car

The other day I saw my neighbor was selling her car and I almost bought it. But I was on the fence and another neighbor ended up buying it. That last neighbor is now about to sell his other car, which is more like something I had in mind (hybrid). Our visa ends in May, and while we wait to know whether the green card application's gonna move forward, I don't really want to commit. I'll wait a little longer.

9. Donate blood (repeat from 2021)

I got sick as soon as I arrived in France, so donating blood was a big no-no, sadly.

10. Knit a sweater (continuation from 2021)

After knitting the front and back panel last winter, I started working again on the sleeves of my sweater last week, which means I could finish my project by the end of the year, fingers crossed!

22 for 2022 Year Goal List for my Happiness Project by Conscious by Chloé

11. Write a song

Wow, I totally forgot this was on my list! Sometimes I fantasize about doing a solo retreat in a secluded place and I picture myself drinking a steaming cup of tea, watching through a rain-covered window, and finding inspiration. In the meantime, I'm gonna do what I did when I was a teen, sit down and listen to music while reading the lyrics. Could it possibly work?

12. Become a Master Gardener

I signed up, showed up for a couple of Zoom classes, and totally lost interest. I thought the course would be more "veggie farming" focused. I'm glad I took the initiative, I'm also glad I didn't force something that wasn't meant to be. I did grow delicious squash and fragrant herbs at home, so I'm a Master Gardener in my book :)

13. Tweak my diet

I haven't tested any elimination diet to identify potential migraine-triggering food categories. I just love food so much! I also am not convinced that my migraines are food related, so there's that.

14. Make my own Bitchin' Sauce

I tried a recipe, liked it, and haven't made it ever since. I should try and make it more often so I have the ingredients on hand at all times and it becomes an easy staple in my recipe book.

15. Celebrate our 10th anniversary

I didn't think it would happen but we did celebrate in our own way, not by going to the Montreux Jazz Festival, but by spending a romantic night camping on the beach. here's to another 20 years!

16. Schedule my workdays

Who am I kidding? I did not choose to be a freelancer to have regular workdays. I do dream of having a proper workspace, but we would need a bigger house for that. A girl can dream...

17. Create a proper workout area

Yeah, not gonna happen either, I tried setting it up in our garage, but it's too depressing. I do have a zone for my workout equipment in the living room. it helps that my yoga mat and block look stylish... I wish my dumbells looked that good though...

18. Bake croissants

After last year's trial, I haven't dared to try again, maybe when the weather cools down and starting the oven makes sense.

19. Write a list of seasonal activities

I've been working on it but haven't made an official list. I'm gonna start an article draft right now and plan to publish it in January, what do you think?

20. Keep my budget and finances in check

I'm doing OK financially, taxes still give me so much anxiety. But Marlee Grace's approach gives me hope.

21. Keep my health in check

I booked all the medical appointments while I was in France and was happy that my GP heard my concerns and agreed to investigate. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the next round of exams.

22. Sew another quilt jacket

I did it and I'm ready to do it again!

22 for 2022 Year Goal List for my Happiness Project by Conscious by Chloé

Now my mind is racing and I'm almost writing down idead for my 23 for 2023 list. Is that crazy?

22 for 2022 Year Goal List for my Happiness Project by Conscious by Chloé

Where are you at on your 22 for 2022 list?

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