Conscious by Chloé

Chloé Lepeltier - Conscious By Chloé

A Sustainable Lifestyle Blog focusing on Zero Waste, Slow Living, and Ethical Fashion.

Zero Waste City Guide - Portland, OR

Zero Waste City Guide to Portland PDX Oregon by Conscious by Chloé

Portland is a Zero Waster's dream. From food co-ops to dedicated low waste shops, from compost pick-up services to tool libraries, it offers a multitude of opportunities to reduce your waste and your impact on the planet.

The Zero Waste PDX Resource Map, also available in full page.

Above is a map of businesses, organizations and markets around Portland that support our zero waste lifestyle.

I've created various layers so that the map is not overcrowded.

You can show them by clicking on the arrow on the top left of the map and selecting the ones you're interested to see.

Then click on each of the locations to have more information about which products they sell in bulk, which items they accept for donation or what can be recycled there.

And you will find below Conscious by Chloé's Ultimate Zero Waste Guide to Portland, Oregon!

Community Zero Waste Portland Oregon

1. Join the Zero Waste Community!

Zero Waste Essentials Zero Waste Portland Oregon

2. Zero Waste Essentials made or provided locally

Replenish Refill Shop Zero Waste Portland Oregon

Image credit: Replenish Refill Shop

3. Buy in Bulk

Is this your first bulk shopping trip? Check out this Shopping in Bulk 101 Guide. And keep your eyes peeled for refillable beer bottles.

Our amazing friend Shannon Tivona created this comprehensive Portland Bulk Inventory app, so if you're looking for an item in particular, check it out.

Refill Stores

I dedicated a whole article to Portland's Zero Waste Grocery and Bulk Food Stores.

Bulk Aisle Alberta Coop Zero Waste Portland Oregon


I dedicated a whole article to Portland's Zero Waste Essentials and Refill Stores.

Vegetables Zero Waste Portland Oregon

Fruit and Vegetables

Special items

Apothecary Zero Waste Portland Oregon


Thrift Store Zero Waste Portland Oregon

4. Shop Second Hand/Donate

The most sustainable way to shop, is to not shop, but if you really need something, second-hand is an earth-friendly option (according to the amazing Buyerarchy of Needs).

Our friends at Buy Nothing - Creative Reuse - Portland created this inventory of donation centers. Check it out!

And don't forget to use Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace or your local Buy Nothing Group to see whether someone else is looking for what you want to let go of.

Darning Socks Zero Waste Portland Oregon

5. Repair / Renovate

Make it last! I recently discovered my passion for darning socks, but sometimes, you need to let a professional do the work.

Recyling Zero Waste Portland Oregon

6. Recycling / Composting

Portland residents have access to curbside recycling (and some to composting too), but many other items can be diverted from the landfill through the following organizations. When in doubt, throw it out, but also call the amazing experts at the Metro hotline

Check out my article about recycling in Portland, OR.

Library Zero Waste Portland Oregon

7. Sharing Economy

Sharing is caring. And do you really need to buy your own table saw? Check out these free sharing resources and never buy another item you'll only use once.

Sewing Zero Waste Portland Oregon

8. Skill Learning

Learning how to do or make something is really empowering and those skills can then be passed along to friends or future generations!

Blendily Cosmetics Zero Waste Portland Oregon

9. Chemical-Free Self Care

Self care is so important, but you want to make sure that it is as good for you as it is for the people who provide it and... the planet.

Green Cleaning Zero Waste Portland Oregon

10. Green Services

Salad Making Zero Waste Portland Oregon

11. Vegan & Vegetarian Restaurants

Do I really need to tell you how hurtful mass animal exploitation is for the ecosystem?

Check out the map, there are so many great restaurants in town this article would be endless :)

Heroes Zero Waste Portland Oregon

12. Portland Zero Waste Heroes

Because Portland wouldn't be the green hub it is without these every day eco-warriors, I wanted to give them a shout-out!

  • Bold Reuse - Get your favorite food & drinks with zero packaging waste at one of their Portland locations.
  • Okapi Reusables - Borrow a reusable cup at any of their Portland locations
  • Nossa Familia - A coffee-shop which charges you for to-go cups, yay!
  • Closed Loop Cooking - Plant-based, Waste-free cooking

Advocacy Zero Waste Portland Oregon

Get involved

Write letters to encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices, write to your representatives to support waste-reducing legislation and volunteer in the many organizations and community stores mentioned above (SCRAP, Free Geek, etc.).

Resources Zero Waste Portland Oregon

More resources

Podcasts Zero Waste Portland Oregon


  • Talking Trash with Peggy LaPoint - A Green Tips podcast diving into the world of sustainability by talking to people in business and non-profits, and folks knee-deep in the field of sustainability

Zero Waste City Guide to Portland PDX Oregon by Conscious by Chloé

I hope you'll find this guide useful. I'll try to keep it updated. Please share your comments and suggestions in the comments below.