Conscious by Chloé

Chloé Lepeltier - Conscious By Chloé

A Sustainable Lifestyle Blog focusing on Zero Waste, Slow Living, and Ethical Fashion.


What's in a Name?

What's in a Name?

Did a foreign language teacher ask you to choose a name? Mine was Barbara... I hated it. And then I found this jacket. You can now call me Brooklyn Welch.

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A 100% Portland-made Outfit with Lauren Winter and Rachel Sees Snail Shoes

A 100% Portland-made Outfit with Lauren Winter and Rachel Sees Snail Shoes

We don't all have the budget for an ethical wardrobe. But with patience and a little luck, you can get yourself a handmade outfit for a reasonable price.

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You Can't Go Wrong with Neutrals

You Can't Go Wrong with Neutrals

Last night was a good hair night, so I bribed Octave with the promise of dinner at our favorite taco joint in exchange for a quick photo session on the way.

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Self Care - My Fake Commute

Self Care - My Fake Commute

Working from home has many perks, but soon enough, you'll find yourself still wearing your pajamas at 2 pm. My solution: going on a false commute!

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My 10×10 Closet Challenge - Winter Edition (2018) - Day 10

My 10×10 Closet Challenge - Winter Edition (2018) - Day 10

Working with a capsule wardrobe becomes harder and harder when you approach the last couple days, but it's a great challenge to get creative.

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