Conscious by Chloé

Chloé Lepeltier - Conscious By Chloé

A Sustainable Lifestyle Blog focusing on Zero Waste, Slow Living, and Ethical Fashion.

Zero Waste

Zero Waste On The Go

Zero Waste On The Go

The secret to Zero Waste is to be prepared. That's why I keep a couple non-disposable alternatives ready when I'm on the go.

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Community - Announcing the Zero Waste City Guide - Portland, OR

Community - Announcing the Zero Waste City Guide - Portland, OR

Local resources and tips for reducing your footprint in Portland, OR.

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3 Ways to Kickstart your Journey to Less Waste

3 Ways to Kickstart your Journey to Less Waste

Leading a zero waste lifestyle sometimes feels intimidating, so I compiled 3 simple ways to immediately reduce the amount of trash you produce. Jump in!

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Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July

I signed up for Plastic Free July and will document my my daily victories and failures on Snapchat. Add me as your friend, my username is: chloelepeltier.

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The Zero Waste Switch Challenge Recap

The Zero Waste Switch Challenge Recap

Last April, I launched the Zero Waste Switch Challenge, a weekly newsletter to help you kickstart your journey to a greener life. Here's a recap...

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