New Year
5 Great Books To Kick Off Your New Year’s Resolutions
Join my journey of self-discovery and personal growth with recommendations ranging from designing a well-lived, joyful life to embracing pleasure activism.
My 2024 Ins-and-Outs List
No resolutions for me this year, just a list of things I want to do more (or less). I keep it in my notes and update it as I go. First: more cold plunges!
Using the Four Exhilarations to Implement Healthy Habits
The Four Exhilarations are: eat well, sleep well, meditate, and exercise.
6 Books on my December Reading List to Start 2023 on the Right Foot
I'm excited to get ready for the new year, plan fun activities, and implement new habits. Here, I share my favorites and a couple of new reads!